Conversation Between Alther Primus and Rhaps

333 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh hiya! If you're on at this time you must either be in my time zone or very sleepy lol
  2. Sh*t!!!! gralBospahR!

  3. Then who's "Pimus?"
    *Casts Forced Enemy Mimic*
    *you are forced to say it!*
  4. How did I mispell?! Its perfectly spelled!
    *Ultima* There go your demons lol
  5. But you misspelled "sumirP" hence, I didn't go ka-blooie!
    sumirP rehtlA em llik uoy, emag eth niw ot.
    *demons come pouring out of a portal*
  6. That's the trick! Everyone knows making you say your own name backwards causes you to combust and implode!!!
  7. !sumiP reficuL zyeF rehtlA
    *end mime*
    sumirP rehtlA em llik uoy, emag eth niw ot.
    *Goes back to miming*
  8. !sumiP reficuL zyeF rehtlA
  9. *Pulls out another mime materia*
    *steals mime materia*
    No! You get this back after class lol
    *End mime*
    I have 721,846 dimentions FILLED with materia!
    *Back to miming*
  10. Aw goddamit!
    *steals mime materia*
    No! You get this back after class lol
  11. *mime*
    word word?
  12. word word?
  13. I'm about dead, because of the pretty weather, school decided a hike was in order lol it was nice
    I got tasks. . . . After hiking a mile or so, run back and forth between the cafe and Birch Building gathering objects and checking in with teachers on dumb errands two or three times!
    5 min. rest
    Run across campus to get to class!!
    1 hr. 45 min.
    lol, sorry, needed to rage about my unnecessary exercise, which in unrelated news, is bad for me :3
  14. Not bad!
  15. Oh I'm fine, and you?
    *Chants about Genesis*
Showing Visitor Messages 301 to 315 of 333
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