I actually heard that XIII has NO TOWNS!
Oh, just wonderful! =D Spring Break finally started for me, and I'm playing Final Fantasy XIII. =D Plus, I got Resonance of Fate waiting for playing, too. =)
LOL! How are you?
Oh...Em~Gee! Lool, random. =S HIYA!
hiya Fate!
*sees your new sig* Is it possible!? That... that... You're gonna be the SO3 fan I once knew again? How are you?
Actually, I delegated those to Meigumi and now they're finished!
*You're to start on the Elyon sprites, boy.* ^~
You need to tell Elyon not to send it an invite to the social group. =3 Oh, and also...I feel we should just ignore IT altogether, not pay attention to IT, so that IT can't get to us. And in doing so, I don't think userbars to show hate would help. ^_^;
You can now find the userbar in my sig!
Hahaha, me neither. xD He needs to come on soon, though. =3 Ah, that would be just fine! ^ ~
I can't think of anything else to say The bar text is too long, how does "Member of the Anti-"It"" sound to you?
Probably at his friend's house~. =) Naw, that's all right. Once you have one, it'll only take seconds to make the others; you just have to replace the name. =D Can't wait to see it~ ^ ~
You're right! Thanks! I'll get right on that userbar! Do you want yours first? (Kyl'es is gonna say "Founder of the Anti-"It" assotiation"
He's on late today, though. =3 Here you go, you can download it here: Visitor Font | dafont.com Have fun~! =D