Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

4705 Visitor Messages

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  1. Six is... something... >_>

  2. Five is QUINCE! xD

    No, give me back my Hope RIGHT NOW!
  3. *sighs quadrice(there, I made a new one! )*

    Ehehehehe... Don't worry. You still have Fang to accomodate you.
  4. *blinks thrice*

    *gasps* Don't you dare steal my Hope!
  5. Oh?

    *steals back money, also steals Hope*
  6. Meh?

    *steals money*
  7. Suu u ahh...

    AHHHHHHHHH! o_O Not the face!
  8. Bah, I'm telling the troooooth. =3

    Oh, no, you don't. I'll send my cookies after you. >=0
  9. >_>

    mine! :d
  10. Of course not; I go for two years. *nods* Yep, yep. =D

    Nuu! >=0 My money.
  11. Do you go to school for twelve years where you are? I thought that was obvious! xD

    Keep away from my moolah!
  12. You should have stated that more clearly! >=0 I don't wanna die that young!

    Oh, yeah? Don't make me rob you, boy. 8D
  13. You're there till twelveth(?) grade... oO

    ...I may suck at games now... but you'll never get my money! D8< (I need it for SO4 Internation, FFXIII, and BBS...)
  14. What?! I'm gonna die in twelve years?

    Now i suggest you sell all your gaming things and give me the money. =D
  15. They should get used to it. You're there for TWELVE years!

Showing Visitor Messages 301 to 315 of 4705
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