Conversation Between Ralz and Fate

4705 Visitor Messages

  1. Almost done!
  2. Alright, make it soon!
  3. Yeah, I did!^^

    As soon as I finish mine, I'll PM it to you!
  4. So you liked it?
  5. I'll do one, too!
  6. Got it, I'll PM it to you, tell me what you think.
  7. Yeah, write her a poem!
  8. No, but it's like what you say when someone goes away forever. Replace song with "their story" or "their life." Hmm, maybe if I do, she'll come back!
  9. She has a song now? You should write hep a poem!

    My next goal is to have the most profile views!
  10. Hurray! ^^ But, I can only wonder what happened to that cheery face.

    *nostalgic music plays*
    Kilala, I knew her, somewhat.
    She was an artist,
    An amazing TFF members,
    but also an amazing person.
    She will not soon be forgotten,
    indeed, her song shall be sung forever more...

    *end sappy music*
  11. No, fortunately, I'm much better!

    And I'm happy to announce that Fate is officially the holder of TFF's highest VM count!
  12. But........ are you Fuzz...?
  13. Nah, Laura's posted picttres of herself before. She's not Fuzz!
  14. Well, it's the plan we agreed on. We'd rally support and claim TFF for ourselves. But, if it's true, and she is Fuzz, she could be off deleting our accounts right now!
  15. Project!

    Just two more...
Showing Visitor Messages 3061 to 3075 of 4705