Conversation Between Ralz and SilkAngel

428 Visitor Messages

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  1. >:3 That's why I go portable! PSP!! ^.^ ...but then I get hand cramps. (Stupid design) T.T
    In the end, it's dark, hot, and my hands hurt. I really do hate it when the power goes out.
  2. I hate when that happens. It's even worse during a power surge, because, you NEVER know when those are gonna hit!
  3. Wow, I hope your power doesn't go out.
    I accidentally left my game on during a storm (without saving) and I lost a ton of stuff >.< I guess that taught me to learn to save more often.
  4. I haven't had that in a long time. I like rain too, but it's pouring over here!
  5. I love it when it long as it doesn't get humid right after I just made myself a bowl of Ramen It's cheap, and it's good! \(^.^)/
  6. Just got done from being outside. It's raining!
  7. ^.^ Yay!
    So, whats up?? :3
  8. I hoped, and now you're here. I always treasure a good member!
  9. *stalks your profile* :E ...I was never here.... *shifty eyes*

    Did you cry when I had to leave yesterday?? Don't worry!! I'm here now! ^.^
  10. Later! ^^
  11. Meh, I don't let them bother me too much.

    Whoever came up with the idea for Power Rangers must have been drunk. The whole idea is creepy! Grown adults running around town in spandex outfits fighting aliens?? OH YEAH! That is suuuuch a great idea! -_-;
    I need to go now T.T I'll see about getting on tomorrow.
  12. We have two, although they aren't at all my concern, yay. Power Rangers, overall, was a dumb idea. Even now, it's just dumb!
  13. They had the longest transformation scenes ever. It's kind of like a old school power rangers.
    (Both of which SUCK!!)
    This is random, but you know what I hate? Texas stereotypes! >.< "Do you have a horse?!" "Hurry up and milk the cow before your parents get mad at you!" (I don't even have a cow!!) I just like to rant.
  14. Never watched it, but I didn't hear good things about it.
  15. Yesh ^.^ I hope they don't make their own storyline >.<
    (Aggh! Transformers remind me of this old cartoon, Voltron. I hate that show so much >.<)
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