Conversation Between Ralz and Meigumi

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  1. Definetly busted.

    Funny story is, it's been in there for about several weeks, and it took my mom and I 4 days to figure out what's wrong with it. We're tards.
  2. I've tried every possible position. Left corner, right corner. I checked to make sure it's flat. I tried all the size options, and even MP Paint, and the Explorer option. It just... doesn't want to do it. I suppose if I got lucky, and did it multiple times, I could eventually just piece it together, but screw that!

    I haven't seen anything like that.
  3. =3= Dat's a sad thang for me to hear. Are you REALLY sure the paper is in the correct position, and that NOTHING else is in the way?

    'Cause one time, I tried to scan a picture with my scanner and thought it was busted. It turns out, there was a flat magnet calander on the glass.
  4. I could, but I'll have to track one down... And then find some USB cable.

    It seems to work just fine. It jutst refuses to give me the full page.
  5. You can always take a picture of it with a camera or something, then just change the properties of the picture, like Brightness/Contrast, saturation, dat crap.

    Anyway, did something happen to it? Like....did it seem busted or anything?
  6. I has a numerical keypad, the options of Copy, Scan, Print, and something else. And a lot of options when scanning. Like, scan to MS Paint, or to Internet Explorer. And then it says 150 dsi, or 600 dsi, and THEN is says size 3x5 in, and A5, or Hagaki. I'm so lost, and I got close once. But the page was only showing half.

    I'm frustrated, because I drew concept art for Krystal, and I'm really proud of it. I want to show it off, but the scanner's being a douche.
  7. I dunno, but I bet your scanner has alota complicated buttons.
  8. Does the Letter option show the whole page, then? I can't get mine to cooperate...
  9. Noooope. Not ever.

    'Cause my baby's a HP Officejet J4580. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
  10. You ever have trouble with scanners, Meigumi? Like where they only want to show a small part of the page?
  11. Now we just need the entire world back in its place.

    Poor thing, didn't get enough love... >_>


    Ohhhhhhh, I get it now. xD Well, Sazh's gonna have to grow an afro that's as big as a ranch.
  12. *teleports rocks around* Well, what now?

    A lifeless, emotionless shell.

    *loses breath in orbit*

    Sazh's chocobo. Named by Fate!
  13. You really need to start practicing with small things first after we get out of this mess.

    Okay, like a shell..... But really?

    *sleeps peacefully*

  14. Or if I could get this teleporting thing right... >_>

    Like a shell.

    *goes into orbit*

    What about the Frocobos???
  15. ......Hmmm, if we could've created some land and moved people from the past to the present.

    So you were really a shell?

    *shrugs and goes to sleep*

    Please don't summon the chocobos.
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