*pokes back* ;3 How are you, old skooler?
Hm, somehow... When I look at your pretty cute picture in your profile.. I think "Yeah, that's David!" ^^ It's just... dunno, a name fitting for a cool person. :3 Plus, I don't know that many David's. I think you're the second one that I know. ^^
Suits me? Hm how so? I like your name!
Naaaah~ Nooooo~ I'll die! I'll die!!! ;__; ... W-Wait.. why am I still alive? Though you told me your real name... << >> That's strange. David's a nice name. I think it suits you. Mine is Fiona. ^^ Nice to "officially" meet you, too
Because if you knew that I would have to kill you. Slowly. Painfully. Torturously. Because the ninja army would be out to get you. So really I'm doing you a favor and saving you from them by killing you first. It'd be a far worse fate, trust me. Or I could just tell you. My name is David. Nice to "officially" meet you lol.
You haven't finished FFII yet? ôô Why's that? I like the game, so far.~ The usual storyline, some nice characters (whom you don't know ANYthing about XD"), monsters who beat you all the time... feels like FF, at least. And I kinda like Firion, but I can't explain why. Perhaps because of his loyality ^^" Hehe, no prob. ^^ I just don't know that many real names of the users here. .-. I don't even know YOUR real name xP
Haha, yeah FFII will do that to you a few times. It isn't that great, IMO, but someday I'll finish the game. Aimee = Hyz. Sorry, I forget sometimes and interchange the two when I talk of her, since I've not considered her to be Hyz for quite some time. And GO VOTE!
Actually, I DO play old skool games xP Currenty (on the train ^^") I'm playing Final Fantasy II. I'm as far as... erm, Fynn now. I don't know if I've to go there, but I AM there, as Hilda and Gordon didn't tell me where to go in that damn rebel camp <..<" Sorry, but who's Aimee? .,. Hyz? Hmm... now I really consider voting.. XD
Bored is no good. You need to play some old skool gaming...that'll keep you occupied rather well! I've been hit and miss. But excited that Aimee will be on more often starting next week, so I can get my time with her in!!! <3 You should vote for me, for anything Aimee nominated. And vote for her on anything I nominated her for. That would earn you a present for sure. ;P
Hey Mr. Oldschool Yeah, it's really been a while. But I've been fine and I still am. x3~ I'm a bit bored now and then, but I think that's okay. x3" How about you? You still want everyone to vote for you..? XD Maybe I should vote for you... will I get anything for voting? Like.. a present or such?!
been forever, huh? How the heck have you been???
Wait, when did I say that I believe in luck?! O.o It's just that I wouldn't ever say that I've done something right and have deserved what I got. XD Oh, I forgot that you're the one who makes the exam. >_o You're everyone.... @..@ So... are you me?! XD (Now I highly doubt my own existence xP) Oh and if you're everyone... why do you pretend to be totally retarded sometimes? XD
I am. You figured me out. Luck is something you believe in? Then perhaps free will does not exist for you, because there are outside forces that can influence your actions and outcomes! Bwa ha ha. I would score best on an exam about FFI, and come on it would be written by me so of course I would win.
Wait... are there even other users beside you? You're everyone, aren't you?! XD Hmm.. my secret... well, I guess.. I'm just lucky. xD Really, I don't know, I could of course write an essay about how I worked hard to accomplish what I now have.... but that wouldn't be the truth. xP Midterms? Sounds awful. I hope you've done well, but as you're the winner of all the awards... you HAVE TO be good. If there was an exam about FFI... you'd probably score best of all participants. (Who'd be... about three: You, you and another you.) Okay, I'll stop this nonsense now. xD" My jokes are getting worse each line... *shrugs*