Conversation Between OceanEyes28 and che

145 Visitor Messages

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  1. you exist?
  2. Okay?! Because I die a little inside each night your skype "online" light doesn't light up. Hope you're having fun at your show in Eureka Springs!
  3. I still love you and want to be your friend, I've just been really busy and haven't talked to you in forever. Bahh!
  4. ily more

    (there's a character limit on VMs? Damnit)
  5. Thanks! <3<3
  6. GODDAMNIT! I already +repped you for another post and then I saw this:

    It's even BETTER. <3
  7. I'M DRUNK

  8. Lmao. Okay. You are my favorite too.
  9. I had quoted everyone in that thread and was gonna post a meme for everyone, but after I got up to 12 images I clicked 'preview post' and it said I could only use 5. And then I was like, well ****. I'm gonna just choose favorites.
  10. Hahaha. It's completely unrelated to your post. I just thought it was romantic and I wanted to share it with you. I tried to look for a good foul bachelor frog but I couldn't find one.
  11. I don't think I get what my picture is supposed to mean or if I should be mad at you.
  12. Did you just call me a drunk asshole?! Do you know who the **** I am?! Oh. Carry on.
  13. Haha. <3<3<3<3
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 145
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