Conversation Between LocoColt04 and OceanEyes28

71 Visitor Messages

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  1. I'm glad I am too. My new phone was delivered today, but I was at work, so they dropped it at the front office. I'll be able to pick that up in the morning before going in for a meeting in the afternoon.

    I'm excited for all of the awesome things going for you right now though.
    I Can Has CDburger?!
  2. I'm SLEEPY.
  3. I cannot believe you conceded.
  4. (That last clause was actually a true statement.)
  5. You say that as though I never know how a complete sentence works oh hey there is something shiny over there is that a butterfly on the wall hey a cricket flew into my face this evening and falcon punched me it was actually hilarious
  6. If I can't decipher that shit by now, I never will.
  7. So, remember that time I sent you a PM just now? I may have forgotten how a complete sentence works.
  8. ALSO worth noting that I make a MEAN tequilemonade - add a splash of grenadine and it's super tasty.
  9. THREE DOLLAR WATER is ridiculous in Arkansas where there is so much awesome spring water everywhere. You should get a discount on that shit, not a gouging!
  10. Riverfest was AWESOME. But also chaos and $4 beers (and $3 waters WTF). Your wallet thanks you that you didn't go.
  11. ...but are they still pretty and perfect?!
  12. It. WAS. It was like one of those teeth nightmares BUT REAL. It looks good as new now, can't tell I chipped it, but ugh...
  13. You always want to make jokes.
  14. Yeah, it's been a while. Life is insanity.
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 71
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