Conversation Between Victoria and Kyreaan

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. Why are you talking to me about XIV? I don't play that game. And what do you mean, no new books? As if I had books to begin with...? I have no idea what you're asking. Are you asking if I've written any...?
  2. Kyreaan: That's fine with me. Since you brought it up, however, I've been wondering about Guildleves and earning certain bonuses in XIV. Did you ever get into it? So, no new books?

    : She doesn't want secondary commentary, you dum[&|@%+@rd. Zest.
  3. Actually you know what, talk however you like. I'll just not respond if I see that moogle in any VMs you send me.
  4. >_> Now you're just being a smartass... that moogle doesn't exist.
  5. I was talking just fine, Vic. I was just asking that fat, drunk moogle that's flooting beside me with that top hat on something <(oo)<.

    What've you been reading?
  6. What did I tell you about talking normally? >_>
  7. Kyreaan: Well, neither do those guys over there on Sesame Street. That mod dev must have a grand o' time over there. I should think about knocking on their door whenever next I have nothing else to do. Where did my other cone go, Spiritas?

    Spiritas: *has a tip of a cone stuck on his cheek* I don't know what you're talking about *hic*.
  8. But it doesn't really exist, that's the thing. o_o
  9. How about you just take the ice cream cone and either eat the thing or throw it away? The point is that people, some people, like eating ice cream cones. It's the last I made, and it's melting.
  10. That ice cream one. I have no idea wtf it's point is, because I never went anywhere?
  11. VMing spam? Like what?
  12. Huh? I never went anywhere. And do you mind not VMing spam? Thanks.
  13. Would you like an ice cream cone since you came back? I could instead offer Kyreaan's Astro.
  14. It is mostly the CG modeling of Chell in the first Portal. If the character and camera are both placed at a certain angle on some stages, you can see her in the mirror. You have a clear shot at her boots with calf hooks. You can also see what looks like a tail.
  15. Appearance wise or is it something else?
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 35
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