Conversation Between Victoria and GypsyElder

50 Visitor Messages

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  1. Lol. Are you trying to say something with that? xP
  2. Will you get me this for Christmas? pwetty pwese? ;3 :
    I Heart Balls Bracelets — I Heart Balls Bracelet
  3. Oh, everyone knows what to help with. They just don't want to.

    And if I knew that crap, I'd help with it. I already said that I don't know how to make skins.

    So no, I don't know it. I just use word press and a pre-made theme with slight alterations.
  4. Do you know CSS/HTML? I offered to help with the forum stuff but I'm not very useful
    Merlin needs someone who can maybe help with the layout, but you probably already knew that. I just thought maybe you would since you haz your site ^^.

    I feel like maybe I should make a topic to ask since it's more specific. People might help with individual things rather than just saying "oh we need to change the forum blah blah" because no one knows what to help with. The forum is godly slow.

    baby steps.
  5. Hahaha. Okay, I'll keep that in mined
  6. Ann lied to you. CS5 is the latest. *Delayed*
  7. Lmfao !
  8. Thankies~
  9. ZOMG! Happy Smexy Birthdayy!!!<3
  10. Torrents. Totally.
  11. Do you know any good ays to get music besides Limewire? what about Torrents? I really have like no music on my ipod.
  12. sorry, haha I was trying to give everyone something

    maybe I'll edit later
  13. hahaha

    I don't really eat them Jk
  14. Nah, that's fine.. I don't really care for it.
  15. Awwwww. I like them both XD

    you could always go with pat instead of Patrick
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 50
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