DJINN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How the hell are ya? You need to get an avy of a four leaf clover. You know, with firecracker being good luck and all.
Chocolates might be a good one, or roses. Have a while to decide if thats the next one though XD.
Haha. It looks awesome man. I love it. After New Years comes Valentine's Day. The good thing is it's theme is red too. How about a heart? A rose? Chocolate? A hot female cupid?
It is done! Another R.I.P to add to the list! XD I can't remember what is next though
Of course i will! I'll give it a few days though, i kind of like the mistletoe
Firecracker! You plan on creating a firecracker avy or sig for the next week or so?
Haha yeah. Bring on firecracker!
One more day and bring on firecracker! Merry Christmas man.
Haha, of course there's plans for it! Glad you had a good day =p
Thanks man. It went pretty well with all the good food. I feel like I gained 5 pounds already. But yeah. MISTLETOE! Any plans on creating a mistletoe avy?
Haha indeed. On to Mistletoe i believe In other news, hope you have a good thanksgiving XD
Well "Blueberry Pie" is out after today.
Join him on his last day before matrimony grabs him by the balls. If you have any questions or concerns or drink recommendations, contact Fish Kelish at 555-7859.
Glad to see you uphold your end of the bargain! Now i must go tend to my waffles
As promised, there's your waffles.