Conversation Between Andromeda and SuperSabin

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  1. Yeah, it's largely down to the individual. Not everyone is going to like the collection. But most RPG generally don't require it for playing the game, not to an extreme degree. Tales is pretty light overall unless you are going for the crazy stuff. You can generally get by without being too obsessive and still fully enjoy the game.
  2. I sure wish I had that kind of determination to complete everything in an RPG. Although I am pretty sure I have done most of the things in Chrono Trigger minus getting all the extra endings.
  3. Yeah, there's quite a few twists and turns in the game's story. It makes for a pretty fun ride. The collection depends on the individual I would guess. I tend to be a completionist in RPGs, so get a weird sense of enjoyment from the collection. But there is a lot.
  4. I am getting even further in the story, I have to say, for an RPG, ToX has a lot of plot twists. I haven't seen this many in a game for a long while. The only complaints I have about ToX are that for one, it can get monotonous at times with trying to collect items and leveling up. The other is that the game has some noticeable design flaws, some of the character model animation makes the character look like he/she are talking like a robot and rowen's braid seems to disappear into his back. Other than that, I am enjoying the game.
  5. Making progress. Though when you do new game plus it can move along faster if you make use of the grade store to the fullest potential. That can make things a lot faster. But the others are good games as well.
  6. Ok, thanks for the heads up on the Fennmont point, I'd expect that Jude and Millia would have different branches in the story since during the story you do end up seeing the differences in their paths. Since I sent you the other VM, I am currently as far as Xian Du, when I got elize in the party, I went back to the meadow and gained the other 5 levels up to 40 and was able to breeze through a chunk of the storyline and doing sidequests along the way. Before I do a playthrough of Millia's segment of Tales of Xillia, I have other games I'd like to get to and beat first like the ones in KH 2.5 and the Xillia sequel.
  7. I'll admit it's been more than a year since I played Tales of Xillia, but if I remember right you're only at best halfway through the game. There is still a ton of stuff after Fennmont. Not to mention there is a different segment depending on which main character you picked that will give you a different side of the story. That happens at a certain point after Fennmont. Both are important and really should be played because you only will heard second hand from the characters what happened. The stuff with Jude is actually pretty huge, but the same can be said about Millia as well.

    And yea, the Meadow is intentionally higher level. The upper half comes off from a higher level area. So I'm guessing they made the whole area higher level as a result. But it is good place to grind early levels for the game. But yeah, it'll beat you down if you're not ready for it. It's sort like saying you're in the wrong area, considering that there are two ways to go. They're saying turn back and come here later.
  8. Hey andro, hows it going? I would like to discuss Tales of Xillia. I imagine by this point you have played and beat both 1 and 2, anyway, when playing through the first game, did you ever fight the monsters in the Xigut Meadow? and did you have difficulty fighting them? I was able to, with much difficulty, get my character levels from 28-29 to level 35 and I really like that you can farm for items that give you much more gald compared to any other item at the point of the game that is concerned. I'm currently going through the Deepwood that leads into Fennmont, how much longer do I have in the main story until the end of the game?
  9. Which is why I'm glad I have my OLED now, because it's totally worth it for how it makes games look. Not sure about that though for the remote play. I know the PS3 picks up all sorts of things on the network. It's crazy like that, doing things that I never will use, but amazes nonetheless. So many unspoken features.
  10. Unfortunately, Sony is going to stop developing OLED vitas with the newer slim model that is coming out. Speaking of that remote play, I wonder if i can connect to my house's network hard drive which my ps3 picks up via wireless? the idea is remoting to the PS3 and then navigating to the media server from there.
  11. Yeah, the remote play was one of the reasons I decided on the Vita. It's a great feature and done very well with the PS4. The PS3's a little more selective on what it works with for PS3 games, but all PSone games it works with no problems. And yeah, I've been tempted to get it for the Vita, but I got it for the PS3, at least for now. If it is on sale or something I might buy it for the Vita just to have it on the go. OLED screen on the Vita makes everything look amazing.
  12. Oh i'm sure, i'm playing with the idea of maybe getting FFX on it so i can take it with me because I already have it on PS2, getting another console version would be redundant on my end. I see that it has PS3 remote play as well as remote play for PS4, might have to look into it more.
  13. Congrats! There's a lot of great games on the Vita to try out. So you'll be busy if start sampling. I'm glad you're enjoying Celceta, it's a fun game, but has it's issues, which you can see in my review of the game.
  14. Hey there, I got my vita in recently and finally got a chance to play Memories of Celceta. I really enjoy it so far and I am only a few minutes into the game and received two memory orbs. When I got to the battle system portion, I learned that I actually like the system even though I prefer the lone Adol gameplay which gives Ys more of a sense of exploration and adventure and less combat-oriented.
  15. Yeah remember that. I guess I'm remembering events out of order. I thought the battle happened and then after he was made a puppet to take on the weight of Cocoon's public face. I guess I had those events out of order. It's been a while.
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