Conversation Between Chocobo_Lover17 and Hero without a Name

33 Visitor Messages

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  1. Call me who protects the sacred swords or something cool
  2. Ahh. its almost 8 P.M. here. and yes that would be great, what would you like to be?
  3. it is 10:52 pm here and of course ure welcome to join my family, do you wanna be the chocobo ranch sister?
  4. ah yes, isn't night shift wonderful? haha, I'm sorry your sleepy, what time is it where you are? and did you still want me as part of your family?
  5. I work at a hotel as a night desk person, it's ok cause it pays the bills bottom line, so yeah, I'm just still really tired *yawn*
  6. Mcdonalds, not too proud of it, but it pays the bills, where do you work?
  7. you work a night shift too eh? Where do u work?
  8. Awesome! I am watching a friend play Fall Out, and trying to wake up, I worked closing shift last night so I am still tired and a little sore.
  9. doing well, just about to go to church in an hour or so....though I'm tired, I've been up since 7:10, although I just got the Alexander materia in ff7
  10. not much, just woke up, how are you today?
  11. sweet, what's up?
  12. Hello, I am back online now
  13. Sounds good miss, give me a shout and we'll hang. I might be playing FFXIII with my buddy but I'll make sure to give me a shout. Enjoy thy rest!
  14. Awesome, I would love to be a part of your family and vise versa, but at the moment..that was an order. haha, shall I send you a message when I get on tomorrow? so we can discuss things more and get to know each other better?
  15. lol epic indeed.....looks like you have an order to rest by Zecht, though yeah, awesome mind, looking forward to hearing more from you and possibly becoming a part of my family? I'm trying to enlist your bf as a sword brother or something
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