Conversation Between TerraWham and OceanEyes28

22 Visitor Messages

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  1. oehhh cool
    you should record it sometime so we can hear <3
    and thanks i'll look into that i sux with forums D:
  2. Gil is for getting things in the store: The Final Fantasy Forums - vBCommerce or for, I believe, playing in the arcade:

    The level bars are basically for fun and for looks.

    Also, in response to one of your picture comments (thanks, btw ):
    Yes, I do perform! I'm a songwriter.
  3. SPAM ALARM: hey mentor will you come help me on my new thread Cid,Biggs Wedge? i need help xD
  4. but seriously what is this gil and lvl stuff for i don't get it Q.Q
  5. heyyy YES help me remove garnet from the game cuz zidane is mine !!!!!!!!
  6. Hey! Yes! Haha sorry, I've been working a lot. Anyway! Welcome to TFF. How are you? Anything I can help you with?
  7. Heyyy you ok with that in the first place ?
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 22 of 22
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