Conversation Between Assassin and Oneesan

63 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yup, your right.

    So anything new???
  2. Give it some time and it will grow sooner or later.
  3. Thanx. I only had 6 members so i really needed a member
  4. Sure, I'll give it a go.
  5. Hey i made a social group of Supernatural. You like supernatural that's y i thought to ask u if u would like to join the group.
  6. I like him because he is so serious. It is the things he says --without apologies-- that makes him so interesting to me. He's just so clueless that it's adorable. He cracks me up!
  7. Really, i alwayz thought that Cass was really serious but still i love him.

    Yup, it is pretty nice.
  8. I don't know... Cass is just especially funny to me. Especially in the episode with the alternate future. I loved seeing that side of him.

    I wouldn't say that I'm obsessed, but the show is awesome. It's nice to be able to talk about it a bit.
  9. Yeah, my sisters like the show but their not obsessed about it like the way i am.

    M really mad about that Sam thing too. I love Sam and Dean and Cass equally.
  10. Cass is awesome!! He is probably my favorite. I am the only one that watches it at home, so I never get to talk about it either! I'm still mad about the route they have taken with Sam though!
  11. Really, me tooooooo. I get super happy n hyper when some1 says that "Yeah, i do watch that show". I just love that show soo much and i Love Sam & Dean and of course Castiel.
  12. Yeah, I do. I haven't seen the last two seasons in their entirety though, since I usually watch on TNT. I love that show!!!
  13. Hahaha.

    Hey i always wanted to ask u this question, Do you watch supernatural???its a t.v show.
  14. Hehe... I can't even do that much most of the time. I just get really bored wherever numbers are involved. I kinda zone out. It's good that you don't mind it, at least the class wont drive you completely nuts.
  15. You know sometimes when i know how to solve the question nd when i solve it the answer turns up to be right i feel pretty happy. But sometimes it does bug me but i still can't say that i hate it, mayb i just dislike it a bit.
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