Conversation Between seanb and FeyLenne13

24 Visitor Messages

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  1. oops I goofed, I meant VI not IV. My fingers must have gotten ahead of me again, sorry. I haven't played FF4 yet but I've been looking for it. I have FF6 on the SNES which, when it came out was actually FF3 because of some messed up numbering when translating the Japanese games to English. SNES was the original console for FF6 with Terra and Celes. I don't know what was the original for FF4.
  2. yea? cool... I actually haven't played it for a few weeks.. I don't know if I have the patience to go back to it really... I only played it cos when I was in college I didnt have any consoles/tv or internet... but now that I'm finished for the summer, I can play what I like so I already started another run through VII maybe I should give the first one more of a chance though... It just feels like I don't know the characters, like they dont have much personality, I dunno...
    IV is amazing ... your lucky to have it on the original platform (was snes the original console for it?) .... again I only have the gameboy version... though snes emulators are easily downloaded.. .. so i might try to get IV ... Iv'e never finished it , always get about halfway through and get distracted by something else... the story seems great though... Rydia was a great character
  3. I'm in the middle of the first one too, I downloaded it to my phone, and i completely agree about it not feeling engaging enough. FF sure has come a long way since then that's for sure. I play FFIV on the supernintendo. Luckily, after all these years, my supernintendo still works lol. I haven't a clue how it survived my brother but it did.
  4. Oh yea? cool, I didn't know it was on playstation what do you play it on? or what did you first play it on,

    I'm actually in the middle of playing the first one, I had never played it before though, and to be honest it hasn't really grabbed me yet, the story just doesn't fell engaging enough, but maybe I'm just too early in the game yet. It's the GBA version, I don't know if thats good or bad any advice for playing it??
  5. Have you ever played the first Final Fantasy?
  6. I would definitly recommend FF6, although I might be a little bias considering it was the first FF I ever played. I think they remade it for the Playstation but the original was played on the SuperNintendo. I'll have to look up the new name for it to be sure, but i think the playstation version is called FF Origins. I'm not 100% sure on that.
  7. ah cool, ya see I haven't played either of them so I wouldn't know,
    Would you recommend FF6? what do you play it on?
  8. It's Terra Brandford from FF6 and Dissidia. Thanks
  9. I like your avatar of the lady in the red dress, what is it?
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