Conversation Between seanb and Oneesan

70 Visitor Messages

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  1. yea it is a b*tch, and you'd know all bout that

  2. Payback's a b**ch aint it
  3. what?! im offended... lol
  4. I can't really see you as serenading anyone, but it does paint an amusing picture
  5. I will.
    haha, yes, on horseback serenading the princess in the tower.
  6. That sounds like fun, let me know how it goes. I like them, they make pretty sounds, and I can actually picture you as a traveling bard....... it is a very funny picture
  7. I'm ordering a mandolin this week
  8. That is probably what I will end up doing, I can't stand being without an instrument. It's just wrong.
  9. aww thanks, .. and thanks

    so why dont you start with violin then see how it goes, and at a later stage buy a viola if it all goes well (:
  10. Guitar would be nice, what I really want is a viola. The problem is that it is WAY outside my price range.

    For even trying to teach kids how to play you should be sainted, then have it taken away for the whole earwig thing..... just sayin'
  11. I play piano... badly
    I used to teach guitar though, then stopped cos there's only so much you can take from kids who don't practice lol
    Violin is lovely..
  12. I have been looking into a few. The piano and the violin are at the top of my list. I love violins, but the learning phase might be a bit hard on the ears
  13. you should take up another instrument, like tin whistle, I don't thinks that is as hard on the lungs
  14. Why does that not surprise me...

    I used to play every day, but I recently had to sell my horn.
    I miss it, but don't have as much lung power as I used to, so it is probably for the best.
  15. It's put a smile on my face...
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