Conversation Between seanb and Firefly

81 Visitor Messages

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  1. aagh, you made me cringe and shudder at the thought of losing two toenails,.... revenge eh? you should be proud
  2. Well I hope they enjoy their laugh hehe. ;]
  3. Ah I'm sure their nice really, and didn't mean it... but they are probably laughing at you now whoever they are
  4. LOL! I wonder who Shame on that person :]
  5. Hi, sorry to hear bout someone disturbing your ability to sleep... who would do such a thing... tut tut tut
  6. Lol :]
  7. Haha I'm honoured! lol
  8. Wow,this may sound weird..but you are the first person I have ever talked to that is vegetarian
  9. yea lol
  10. Lol Are you a vegetarian?
  11. mamamia!
    4got to say I love those 3 things too : ) lol dont think I have a favourite, like everything! except meat
  12. I love lasagna,spaghetti,and pizza :3 lol
  13. ooh tough question, suppose it depends on my mood ...
    I like indian food like curries and samosas... i think i like all spicy food.. like mexican.. chilly...
    and pasta is a good bet I love cheeses
    how about you?
  14. My cousin loves it,I don't eat it very much : / So..whats your favorite food? :]
  15. sounds good, not much of a noodle fan myself
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 81
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