Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ashura

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oooh, I see. Thanks, I'll be sure to come to you if I have a question! And you can call me Brian, or my username, Ashura. Nice to meet ya Kyle.
  2. I'm on two forums. I've been on 4 but I couldn't keep up so I've kept on my favourites and the ones with the most fun. I've loved this place. I've been here for around a year now. If you want any help with anything, just ask me! =)
  3. Haha! Well, this isn't the first forum I've been on, I've actually been on several. But so far I'm loving this one! How about you?
  4. Oh, italics! =3 I likey! Of course we can!

    Are you new to forums in general?
  5. Oh, hiya Kyle! I'm happy to have ran into the forums, hope we can become great friends!
  6. Hello thar!

    I'm Kyle and welcome to the forums!
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 21 of 21
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