That or Kid Flash. And some summons, too! ^_^ Hmm, well! Best trying it out then! I watched some gameplay online.
Flash or bust. Story is crap, but the gameplay is worth every penny.
You know like Disney owns Marvel now? You reckon we'll see any superheroes in KH? I'm going to get the game off a friend in a few days and play it. Is it any good?
I'm imagining the potential of this... It gives the basis of this game and why they need to become Keyblade Masters. Long short short, it involves Xehanort.
Yeah! That would be so fun to see! Just an outburst of Square characters. xD I didn't play it, I'm afraid. ='(
There's a lot more games that have potential, too. CRONO? Didn't you watch the Re:coded secret ending?
Hey, it's Square Enix! It was MEANT to be in a Kingdom Hearts game! xD I don't understand either. Sora looks younger, too! But it says that they're becoming Keyblade Masters... Confusing...
I didn't think TWEWY was mainstream enough to make it. But why is Riku's hair shorter?
Why thank you! I'm rather excited for this game right now!
Um... http://betterbibles.files.wordpress....-right-now.jpg
Yeah, it sounds like a good idea! Games Development. =D Oh, and it HAPPENED. NEKU AND SORA ****ING MEET: KH3D Sora's Gameplay TGS 2011 - YouTube
I might give it another chance some day. Seeing Balthier in FFTactics makes me wanna try again. What're you going for?
It can happen! I hated FFXII but I gave it another chance and it's fine now. xD I'm sure you'll get somewhere of your own! I'm in college myself now.
Huh. Maybe he changed his mind. Not yet. Still a leech.
Oh, I didn't watch over the Final Fantasy VIII Let's Play. But, he's been saying the current LP that the music is epic in the game. That it has some fantastic music. But, I'll take your word for it. =) Moved out of your parents, yet?