Conversation Between Gogeta and Treize

81 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thats cool. It's alright, I've been off lately anyways, I bought Demon's Souls and I've been playing that lately. I hope my cosplay turns out well, if not oh well, I tried, lol =D
  2. Hey. That sounds pretty cool. I like some of their songs like 88 and Punky Heart too. I'm not going to be on that much for a while, so don't think I'm ignoring you if I don't respond too quickly. Well, good luck with your cosplay.
  3. Hey, I hit my 2 months of being on here Im happy, I started to like a Japanese band called LM.C, they are awesome. And I'm going to cosplay as their lead singer I'm happy, anyways. I Haven't been on in a while so I wanted to tell ya whats been up, lol
  4. yay, cant wait for a season 3, lol. I wonder how long it will take. On Rosario Vampire i think Kurumu is awesome <33 im gonna try and get a plushy figure of her
  5. Oh, I watched that too. I thought that it was a good anime, but I think there are several harem anime that are better.

    If you want more, you could probably read the manga. I heard that a lot of the manga hasn't been adapted into an anime form, and the manga is still ongoing. I haven't been keeping up with the manga, but this might be a sign of another season someday.
  6. Well thats good news. I just finished watching Rosario+Vampire anime, its sad there is only 2 seasons of it v.v
  7. I'm doing well. I'm graduating today, so it is a little busy, but it's turning out to be a pretty good day. How are you?
  8. Ello, how are you today?
  9. Yea, you need the Wii mote to be next to your ear in the phone calls to hear anything. The game made me jump even as I was watcing it on youtube before I started playing it, and it is some scary shizzzz because of the random flashes lol
  10. Hmm... It didn't look that scary from what I saw on youtube, but you probably have to be playing it to get scared. The cell phones seemed a little annoying, though.
  11. giant spiders lol, anyways look up on youtube Calling Wii and click a random video. so yea. its very very scary
  12. I haven't played a horror game in years. lol I don't really get much enjoyment out of horror games. I'd much rather watch or horror movie or something.

    I think the last one I played had giant spiders, though.
  13. Ehh things have been comming up and I havent gotten time to really post, I've been playing this game called Calling for the Wii and my goodness its scary, and its rated T. I almost stopped playing it after the third chapter. It is intense
  14. Hey! I haven't seen some of your posts in a while. How's it been?
  15. Hello
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