WOw, theres a mouthful. *laughs* But it lets me come to a better understanding about you and lets me choose my words and allows me mental input on how I should perceive what you say. Now, would you say you forced your opinion that Bullying isn't serious on others? Well, I am saying because it CAN be taken that way, and since you know allot on your mental status(which for some reason, most people aren't), you would know that allot of things may not be taken to heart for you as of others. I am highly interested on how apathetic you are. It seems when people have emotional disorders or slight emotional apathy, arrogance, anger, and amusement from self worth are the only reoccurring emotions they have. Do you feel less emotion or do you chose to feel less emotion? I myself remove emotions, all but anger because... I like it. If I don't want to feel sad, I don't. Same with humor and others, which I think was caused from bullying. I have heard about that Personality classing exam, but I haven't asked my Psych. Perhaps it is possible to find a correct exam online... Can I ask of you one favor? Almost coming from the same mind in a sense, try to accommodate others feelings a little more. Though I might come off respectful as of late, as I stated before, all but my friends can die and I wouldn't shed the simplest thought... Well all and a few nice looking women. I am trying to be respectful to others emotions and not allowing my defensive mannerisms take hold.
Pragmatically speaking, that's probably correct. There's a bigger difference in actual application of intelligence between an average person and a genius than there is between a genius and a bigger genius. Actually in some reagrds being a bit lower can be an advantage, as I'll touch on in my asnwer to your question. I was bullied, mostly in early grades. I was the kid who fought back, whether or not I could actually win. Nothing I'd consider particlarly serious (but then I don't consider an overwhelming majority of bullying serious), got into fights pretty regularly, Usually over disagreements that started as verbal arguments, or me making people look stupid in class (usually unintentionally) and them being pissed off over it. I don't know if you're familiar with the Myers Briggs test, but I'm an INTP. So I'm naturally introverted, and have underdeveloped emotional responses to things. My mind naturally wants to function based on cold logic to a point where subjectivity and bad arguments almost literally hurt my brain. One of the big characteristics of the INTP type is that we tend to have very few physical and emotional needs, meaning external problems like bullies, relationships, bad home life, etcetera have a lower impact on us, because by and large we just don't really give a shit. I've never needed to feel wanted, respected, praised, liked, it just doesn't matter to me. There are several assumed causes of sociopathy, alot related to eperiences, but just based on who I am, I highly doubt any of them are to blame. One which is perfectly plausible however, is high IQ. So I'm a naturally unemotional personality type, have a high IQ which leads me to ignore emotions in favor of facts, and I'm a sociopath, which reduces my empathy even further. I'm by no means a severe sociopath. I'm not an animal abuser, I don't steal, I don't lie too terribly often, not overly agreeisve or violent (not to say I'm a pacifist, but I'm not one to throw the first punch), never had any relationship problems. Only of the main symptoms of sociopathy I can honestly say I'm aware that I have are lack of remorse and empathy, and the tendancy to say things that probably aren't nescessary to make my point. Like calling Dan a douche for example. I say alot of shit that probably offends people when I'm annoyed, angered, or losing patience, though in most cases I say shit under the (probably generally inaccurate assumptions) that it won't come off as too terribly offensive, just because I can honestly say I wouldn't be offended much by the same thing being said to me. In a nutshell, I'm about as morally and emotionally dead as a person can be without having suffered some form of damage to the emotion centers of the brain. To make matters worse, I'm a moral nihilist, so not only do I not generally consider moral claims valuable, I'll actively deny the very existence of morality aside from human subjectivity. So yeah, I'm pretty much nature's perfect asshole.
*laughs* I think my psych wanted me not to take his words. What I am getting from what he said, is that the difference in our mental power, compared to an average human, is stronger than somebody like me, to somebody like, Idk, in the 150's. Plus he said my IQ isn't really set. The first time I took the test, he asked me if I can take it again in the future because some bullcrap about his Pc and W/e. Second time I took it I guessed to pass time faster on 50% of the questions and got 126. He said my first one was higher. Anyways, you are damn correct about being a difficult study. Even things as simple as fear, goes far beyond what a normal person may know about fear. Real question, please reply honestly. Were you picked on in school and what was the extent of it. Do you think it caused or triggered your Mental disease? And how sever is it?
Psyche is probably the most difficult of sciences to prove causality with, just because we still know so little about the brain (relatively speaking, we know quite a bit, but compared to what we don't know, it's not much) I think he actually got that backwards, I seem to remember learning that the difference between higher IQs was larger than the same numeric distance in lower ones, but I'm not entirely certain on that, and can't find a source to confirm or deny it. I'll keep looking and let you know when I find a reliable source.
Well, i guess we both can agree on, there is little fact to psychological conditions and can only be considered Factual Opinions. 2 days ago, I had a whole doctors day, as in, getting a complete check up, Dentist, skin doctor, Physician, and psych. He told me that there is as much proof to combat th origins of mental conditions as there are to go against that, and that mental perfection highly comes off to the individuals at term. Basically meaning, one has a different look on what is right and/or wrong. He also told me that when talking to people with a similar intellect, I get defensive because I am used to talking to people with lower intellects and I am not used to thinking with my smarts haha. He also said about IQ's, anything between 120-150, isn't a gap difference as is 100-120. Meaning there is more of a difference between me and an average person, than me and a 150 person.
Not nescessarily, and again this is where we differentiate between contributing factors and causality. Any number of things coupled with a weak constitution can lead to the same results, bullying is nothing out of the ordinary or exceptionally evil. It's nothing more than another one of life's many nuissances. Shit happens, if you expect to make it far in life you learn to deal with it. Morality not nescessarily, things can piss you off whether you have a sense of morality or not. A being devoid of emotion perhaps, but that could cause just as many problems as it fixes. But then even a life devoid of pain would be pretty meaningless when any other experience is also worth nothing to an individual.
Hmm, so if the person with a weak "constitution" weren't bullied, he would end out the same? Nah, in that case, only People without Morality should be considered as the optimum psychological breed.
Yes, in people with weak constitutions, which again is on the individual, not people who happen to mess with him.
Wasn't combating it, just saying it does happen for those who don't take it as wel, a build up of negative stress can literally cause more negative stress which can in turn, cause psychological health problems.
MMS: Error "Although some symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, such as hyperalertness and sleep disturbances, occurred commonly in the general population, the full syndrome as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, third edition, was common only among veterans wounded in Vietnam." Just about anything can 'cause' PSTD. Shit as simple as divorce or unemployment can 'cause' PSTD. However it is common only in people who've witnessed serious disasters, which bullying is not. And go figure, yet again, happens to some, not others. In fact happens to very few outside of vets or people who witness natural disasters. This once again does not prove or suggest causality lies with the external stimuli, but a combonation of it (or any number of other stimuli, so you don't even have a case specifically for bullying here) and the victims mental state. No matter how many times you repeat your argument, it gets no stronger.
"You're seriously comparing the atrocities of war to having your lunch money stolen in elementary school? Wow, just wow" Ya know, it has been proven that PTSD can be caused by bullying *laughs*
O.o, oh, opps lol I wasn't expecting you to be kind that way lol I tried not to get angry but, the manor in which he was speaking hinted at arrogance, and indirectly insulted me.
You don't help your cause when you call your own intellect false XD What I mean is, when you make a post that does nothing but call people some name that sounds like something out f an RPG villain's mouth, it makes you sound rather childish, which damages your credibility and undermines your apparent intellect.
Tell me, how am I dwelling deeper in my own false intellect? I won't get aggressive, as if you won't.