Conversation Between Heartless Angel and Clint

27 Visitor Messages

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  1. I did, you ****ing moron. Learn to read.
  2. Then why didn't you mention that in your casual reduction oversimplification of obesity? Because you're a ****ing idiot without a clue how to adequately convey a point.
  3. ...Are you stupid?

    >An alternate to overeating? No.
    >A hormonal deficiency where the body may store excess fat from glucose? Yup. No overeating is required to gain weight.

    Glucose is an energy source. That's exactly an alternative to overeating to end up with excess energy.

  4. An alternate to overeating? No. A hormonal deficiency where the body may store excess fat from glucose? Yup. No overeating is required to gain weight.
  5. No, I didn't. My challenge remains. Go ahead and quote me on that,and make your case based on the facts.

    You can't because I never actually said that. You inferred it. Again, what you pretend I said is not relevant. You're arguing with strawmen.

    No, actually my argument isn't a post hoc ergo proper hoc fallacy. My argument is based on the commonly known scientific fact that fat is how your body stores unused energy.

    You did not offer a single alternative to unused energy for the creation of fat.

    You offered alternative to overeating to ending up with excess energy.

    The root of your argument is your inability to understand the difference.
  6. You called my mother, and all overweight people, fat pieces of shit that eat boxes of Twinkies for breakfast, and then used casual reductionism to make your stance. You presented a false dilemma where any conjoined possibilities are ignored. Your argument is "X happened after Y, therefore Y caused X." That's a ****ing ridiculous stance to take.
  7. Holy shit, bro. Your head is far up your ass you can't even see your monitor at this point.

    For starters, please quote me on where I said anything about your mother. Or anyone's mother. The only people I actually mentioned as an individual up until that point was the fat guy in my math class and Manuel Uribe. Judging by the fact that they're both men, I'm reasonably certain neither of them were your mother. On the subject of being delusional...

    I could have told you exactly what sort of person I am. I'm a sociopath. I have no interest in your feeble minded empathy. Emotion is irrelevant to fact.

    Yes, congratulations on proving me wrong in spite of failing entirely to demonstrate a single case in which energy consumption vs. expenditure was not the cause of fat gain. again on the subject of delusion...

    People like you give me good reason to be arrogant. If somebody as stupid as you can exist, clearly I'm exceeding the average.
  8. You did insult my mother, and hour inability to show any sort of empathy for anybody or anything shows exactly the kind of person you are. You are also delusional and overbearingly arrogant, holding onto fallacious arguments in spite of being proven wrong. You're an immature dumbass, and I hope you grow up someday. Until then, **** you.
  9. You'll have to forgive me, I tend to get a bit irate when some ignorant **** starts calling me ignorant, presumptuous, some nonsense about insulting his mother... all on the basis of his own presumptions, incompetence, and inability to read.
  10. No, you need to ****ing stop.
  11. Just kind of? I need to step up my game...
  12. You're kind of an asshole, man.
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