Conversation Between Diyala and SeaAlchemist

39 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hi little sis
    how are u ? having exams like me or???
  2. yeah Symour is creepy and I hated the extra battles we had in order to dfeat him
  3. I thought u like him
    Tidus is sad somewhat concerning his past and yet future and how he was having that kind of feelings when everyone doesn't want him as a stranger while he was suffering homesikness , mmm I didn't like Lolo at that time but Wakka is so kind with him , well may be that kind of his hard cicumistances makes me like him more ..not to mention his sense of humer and how he turned their journey to be joyful ,he is even handsome and interesting !
    I like his thoughts after each demo when he comments about everything he sees and feel like a stranger even his voice was like his soul speaking instead ^_^
  4. Tidus gets on my nerves a bit but the one I really hate is Seymour >.< he's just plain creepy *shudders*
  5. unlike me when I hated Tidus from the way he looks before I played the game though my sis liked it
    but then when I sow how lovely his character is I liked him so much ^_^
    but yeah thae girl your talking about looks cool
  6. well *scratches head* i guess i just watched for the game and liked lightning's character from it
  7. hehe nice thouhg I didn't like 12 that much
    for me ff10 is the best
    so how could u love a character without playing it's game ?
  8. but at least i have ffx and ffxii to keep my mind off of it
  9. loooool we are in the same boat dear
    I don't have them either^_^
  10. i can't play it i don't have a xbox 360 or ps3
  11. I didn't play the game but everything about it just looks exciting
  12. yep
  13. ^_______^ I don't know her
    is she the main character in ffxIII?
  14. Lightning
  15. I see , so whose your favorite now?
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