Conversation Between Diyala and Ethan Blitzball King

458 Visitor Messages

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  1. Do you enjoy it ?
  2. Just like College except you have phsysical training too
  3. What is it like?
  4. No Navy academy
  5. So how is yours?
    btw you still in high school ?
  6. Yeah I know what you mean I am schooling and working at the same time
  7. Tough , I will have to study Hard to pass IELTS exam
    You know sometimes native speakers fail to pass tofel so how about non native ones ahahahahahT_T
  8. So how's school?
  9. Thanks ^^
  10. Nice to finally meet you
  11. A pleasure to meet you Ethan
    I don't mind introducing myself as well
    My name is Asma
  12. Ha ha good proof to imply you're free now unlike always.
    Good luck and don't take so long to sneak at our profiles
    and If u don't mind what does your username mean ? Ethan , your real name for example?
  13. Uh well um I'll post some pics later
  14. Well as I promised , what uniforms you were talking about ?
    PS: I'm not a lady ^^ just a simple cheerful girl (hate to be called spoiled ) but I was really tired that night .
  15. As you wish milady *gives you his nicest possesion*
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 458
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