Conversation Between Diyala and Zargabaath

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  1. No speech from me. Usually the best man and the head bride's maid says something. It should be fun, though a little depressing. I'll be the only one not married out of my siblings. Where I am at now the prospect of me getting married is not good.

    But my grandparents from New York will be atttending, which is good. My dad and I will be driving up there, from Virginia, to pick them up.

    I have wanted to read the quranas well as the bible, pretty much all the major religious texts.
  2. I like to have a pretty modern furniture the most especially in the living room and the place where I read books and play games. Unlike you, I don't care about the kitchen and I don't like it because I don't know how to cook at all no matter how I try to enjoy it, I just couldn't and I'm always into a fight with mommy because of that. Now how can someone love something they don't enjoy !
    About being busy well ..Ramadan is a Holy month so we fast during the day and spend most of the time reading Quran (Muslim's holy book) or praying or studying or doing charitable work to the poor. To us it's like a great opportunity that you should not lose so working on that keeps me a bit busy.
    A wedding! interesting. How is it to have a wedding there? are you going to give a speech or something?
  3. The apartment is pretty nice. It is a newly built complex. I like having a decent kitchen. Now I can get my cooking on.

    Do you enjoy cooking? Or cook at all? What has
    been keeping you so busy?

    I am getting ready for my younger sister's wedding. It is in september, on our grandmother's 80th birthday. So it will be a joyous event.
  4. Aww sorry! I didn't know what the real problem is >_<
    It's Ramadan in here so life is busy and time is running with no mercy.
    It's good to hear you are doing good. Wow a new apartment! that is delightful! nothing is like a convenient home! I hope yours is as well.
  5. Sorry for the long wait for a response. I mainly use tapatalk to visit tff and it doesnt show if I have visitor messages. Kind of lame. How have you been doing? Life is pretty good for me. Moved in to a new apartment.
  6. Hey ! why flee? say it then flee -_-
  7. Hey Zargabaath ! long time no talking
  8. I don't understand , how dictatorship tell me ,what did you see and didn't like of him ? Doesnt the oppression people used to get from the jewish forces for almost 70 years seem dictatorship to you ?doesnt that need to be noticed more and stopped? Are you concerned about the people in Egypt that they will be under the control of a presidnt that seem to be a dictator ?

    Jews until the very moment they couldn't achieve the big dream and WON't as we know when someone steals someone else's property he will always act deceivingly and violently but will never be happy and will be always shaking and fear and act with mere cowardliness and once this thief is spanked by just a power standing in his face he will become very small and flee with shame chasing him. History tells alot about it and the new actions taken in the Jewish government as a reaction to the big hit they got would prove it .
  9. Well President Morsi, declared some powers that are signs of a dictatorship, like not being under judicial review. He is basically trying consolidate power and not held in check along the lines of a "checks and balance" system. From the outside it does not look good.

    The jews were granted their ancestral home after the events of WWII and the holocaust. That was a UN general assembly act. England had control of the territory at the time due to their/allied victory over the Ottomans in WWI.

    No weapons of mass destruction (wmd's) - in this case chemical weapons - have been used in syria. Those chemical weapons belonging to syria as there are fears Assad may use them against the rebels who are closing in. Israel did warn syria not to move them or something because Israel does not want them falling into the wrong hands, chiefly Hezzbollah. Israel did fite some warning shots,into syria, weeks ago when some of syria's artillery was coming into israel due to the fighting.
  10. In Maser that is "egypt" someone "jews" are trying to disturb the peace they finally got and that is not something new or surprising .As for Palestine it's Israel that has to find somewhere else to build its nest, Palestine is a country no matter what jews do.I just heard jews have even a hand in the attacks with the universally forbidden weapons used in Syria.
  11. Usually a statement. I have fired a gun only once in my life and that was recently. I would like to get more practice.
    With gaza/palestinians I think that had to do with palestine not being considered a country. I know they just got upgraded in the UN.

    I forgot to ask about your thoughts on egypt, their president and the recent actions he took.
  12. "Not being seriously injured" fits more with Clair's situation . Ok does it usually come like a question or a statement ?

    My feelings ! How do you think they will be on Syria !
    No NATO no nothing Helped people in Gazza and yet they are celebrating this historical victory that will be engraved with people's blood and tears in the pages of history . The good news in Palestine can certainly heal the wound and give the spirit . I don't blame NATO or U.N more than myself and other Arabs here , still I offer the best I can .I was thinking the other day of using a gun lol , have you tried it before or know how to shoot .I think these are some basics everyone must know.
  13. What you found is accurate. It could also include not being seriously injured. Basically your are in good health. What are your feelings on Syria's situation? I wish the U.N. would step or NATO as the latter did in Libya, but they are being their typical selves.
  14. Hello there man , how are things ?
    I came a cross this "still in one piece " idiom that I couldn't get , I remember my first time hearing it in RE2 after the accident where Leon and Clair was in in the police car alive. I searched the meaning and I found it meaning "still alive " . Actually I'm not sure coz I didn't find it in the urban dic and I want a reliable resource or more detailing in explaining its usages .
    Thank you
  15. Constitutional republic that engages in laissez-faire capitalism. That protects individual rights, allowing the people to live their own life. For some the results are good, others bad. But it did show that the country is still divided. Most of the media has a liberal bias, so they show obama in more favorable light. It is unfortunate that our press would get invloved in such a manner. Our founders did not give this country freedom of the press so that they may take sides politically. Our voices can be heard, however because of how divided we are the nation is in a gridlock still. Obama was re-elected, the democrats control the senate still & the republicans maintained control of the house.
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