Conversation Between Diyala and Fate

97 Visitor Messages

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  1. Just great ^^, by the way your haiku seems cool but I ddn't get it's meaning ^^
    and what is haiku first?
  2. I'm doing just great! =D And how about you? =)
  3. Fate how are you Poet ?
  4. Thank you! ^___^
    Hahaha, I made a haiku about grass off the top of my head like three months ago. XD You wanna hear it? =P

    Wispy blades of grass
    Utter the sound of silence
    The sweet melody

  5. as expected from u wise man!
    I really loved them you were as wise as an old man who experts everything life conveys
    waite ! was that bad English ....then what will u call mine how shame on me
    But it is amazing
    good luck with a new great one ^^
  6. I wrote one for Unknown Entity like last year (my English was worse then), but I liked how it turned out. Just in case you're interested. =)

    The future is not written in stone
    What lies ahead is a complete mystery
    that is yet to be recorded in the pages of history
    No one can foretell the undetermined
    before the fabrics of the future are sewn
    They might know the past and the present
    but the future is still the unknown

  7. Oh but I really want to see one
    when u r in a mood of writing show me what u wrote na^^
  8. Because, nothing rhymes with orange. XD
    You wanna hear one of my poems? Uhm, let's see if I can make a haiku on the spot...^_^;

    So, read this right here
    And know how I write poems
    Heh, I was lazy

  9. hahah ok I will ask for one of yours not orange of course XD
  10. why orange? do u want a poem about orange hehehe?
  11. Hahaha, can you rhyme orange? XD
    Sure thing! =D Glad I knew this one, though. =P
  12. oh yeah since you asked for one xD
    thanks for the answer ^^
  13. Hey, a poem! =D *thumbs up*

    A lexis? Well, a lexis should be directly related to grammar or a language as a whole because lexis means all the words in a language. =3
  14. Fate Fate Fate
    help me please dear mate
    I'm sick of my paper
    and about to delay it later
    but the teacher is so strickt
    and want it too complete

    anyway fate I really need your help , I have been looking for the meaning of Lexis and how it is associated with grammar but all I found is not related to my paper
    I will be waiting and if u can't it's ok just inform me
  15. I can't really evaluate myself concerning poetry but I've written some >>
    I posted one in the thread of Post poetry
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