Conversation Between bahamuts heir and Firefly

475 Visitor Messages

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  1. Epic avatar nice
  2. lol I babysit a 5 year old,6 year old,8 year old,a 9 year old,and sometimes a 12 year old lol.
  3. Babysitting 3 year old and evil sibling all day+ butt load of chores+ whatever my parents want my to do like laundry or getting them sodas
  4. I babysit 5 kids,lol.Wats ur job?? Just chores or something?
  5. working probably does but the schedule my parents put me on is probably just as bad
  6. so is fang
  7. ha! I missed ya,too.I've been working alot lately soo I haven't much time to get on.Working 12 hours a day really wears someone out,ya N I know,Hope is soo AWESOME!!
  8. Hope? Nice!
    Hurrah school is over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!
  9. Hey where ya been? I missed ya
  10. lol I havent played in about 4 months at the least.Been busy with state test and being the school photographer. lol
  11. I haven't played in a month and I still beat it despite my rustiness and it was sure as he'll not luck and I survived 4 doses of having 1 hp
    also I didn't have a chance ability and he used scarlet ruin just after I broke him with ultima weapon so it was whoever hp attacked first since he unbroke himself:0
  12. lucky! i havent had time to play dissidia or FF13. I've had some issues with my folks and I have to babysit :S
  13. Holy shit! I just beat inward chaos in dissidia, without any cheap tricks, infinites, or anything! and I only had ultima weapon summon!!!!!!
  14. yes it is lol.
  15. Good question.
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