Conversation Between Ethan Blitzball King and Xanatos

93 Visitor Messages

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  1. I use Pidgin now, it enables me to hold multiple accounts at once if I want to, it also has access to AIM, Facebook, Yahoo ans such besides MSN so it's really handy.
  2. weird what one do you use now
  3. OK, I'll add you the moment I turn the MSN on. I had a lot of problems with the same program recently, ever since then I use a replacement which proved to be much better than actually MSN, though it does have worse appearance.
  4. heh I am always on so yeah I may see you mine is [email protected]
  5. I wouldn't mind at all, though I think you'll be disappointed a little bit, you'll rarely see me on MSN but we're bound to see each other sometimes.
  6. ah you mind if I add you to my msn dude
  7. That's just something I heard while playing Metal Gear Solid, though I couldn't finish the entire sentence, not enough space apparently.
  8. why does god have a sense of humor to you
  9. Yeah I beat it I was pretty excited about the end
  10. Well. everyone has their own ways. How's the Final fantasy XIII progres going, have you beaten the game?
  11. Hahaha I cheated I just bought the coins
  12. My dad loved those slot machines so everytime I needed coins I would give him to play, he bough two Porygons in two days.
  13. Oh come on I hate that I liked the slot machines they were fun
  14. I already know which three will I chosee to fil the gap in my team, I'm considering both Nidoking and Nidoquen and Arcanine since his my favorite.

    The only thing I hate about this game is that they changed those slot machines for some "flip card" game, the game is immposible and cheap hard which means it's torture to collect a decent amount of coins to buy something, also there's no Porygon to buy.
  15. Quilava lvl 15 Sintret lvl 10 and Bellsprout lvl 10
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