Conversation Between Josh_R and HUNK

67 Visitor Messages

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  1. I don't really own the game so I really don't even know what kill/death ratios even mean. lolz However, as good at the game as I may think I am, I don't really think I could be that great... On horde we can never get much farther then like wave 20.. (And that's good for us. )
    Sorry I've not been on much, lately been getting more involved with the future soldier program and between class and P.T. it's getting rough to manage time.
  2. I have gone through Gears like 10 times haha, I have played with a guy on here named Black Waltz, he is alot better than myself. I currently have 3.5 k/d ratio(hardass alert).

    What a crazy ass story man haha.
  3. Man, it's been a long time since I've even been on TFF. (It just happens to be 3:49 and I randomly remembered the website.) I'm not sure I'm still up to snuff on rp's. But I guess I could give it a go again. (Not tonight though, my mind is kinda sleep depraved, and last time I typed a story this late at night, I wrote a story about killing a beast named sleep that bled rainbow blood and re-drank it in and grew bigger... o.O )
    So, how've you been ser? (by the way, I have played and beated Gears III now. I'm pro at it! (Still don't have an xbox or ps3, just at a friends house.) Clay is such a beast! )
  4. Hey I posted in the rp, wondering if you were still down for it.
  5. Well man you need to get on Gears 3, and get worked over by yours truly, haha i'm actually not that good, but I love me some Horde mode.
  6. Nope. :/

    But I do play Nazi Zombies online every sunday with my friend drew. ^_^
  7. do you got xbl man
  8. Word, but it's cool. I'm just gonna do the core stuff at community level. I can get it paid but I wanted a steady income and some schooling before heading to campus. I can do this.
  9. Damn son thats alot of money.
  10. Well so far not any that could cover that much. (It's like 210000$) I'm thinking to get my core classes out of the way, and do actual career based stuff at a university. Sounds good to me.
  11. I was only supposed to be on active duty for a year, but stayed over for 6 extra months. Only reason I joined was for money for school.

    Is there any grants, scholarships you could get to help.
  12. Honerable discharge, that's good man. (Was sub life gettin' brutal or what? Always been curious.)

    Well, I be going to college tommorow for orientation. Can't go to the university I was accepted by cause it was just too expencive but I'm going to be alright.
  13. Life has been pretty good. Got my honorable discharge from the corps, living back in my old town now. Wbu?
  14. Heh, well you know, people suck. xp No one plays MPO+ anymore online. (Insert HUGE sadface here) How be life?
  15. Ehh not to much. Trying to find someone to play xbl with but no one wants to
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