Conversation Between Full Life and Zargabaath

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. How different do things get when you appear?

    How's it going?

    Things are decent on my end. I was able to pick up more hours at my job for this week. During the spring/summer we have crummy hours. I'm trying to find a second or a new job but things haven't turned out well. Just gotta keep searching.
  2. I think aroudn 52k. I haven't played in a while and probably won't be - my girlfriend's computer died.
  3. Whats your high score on robot unicor?
    mine is 67390 its so hard and fun!
  4. not to stupis its funny spid it means its not stupid but funny i played it just then
  5. You dare call THE Rotbot Unicorn stupid?! Do you want to call upon the wrath of the RAINBOW?!

    It is really fun and addicting. Sadly I can't play it on my computer as the game doesn't register "z" or "x" while playing the game, but I can press "r" to restart the level and "z" works to start the game. So I play it on my girlfriend's computer when I get the chance.
  6. haha i played robot unicorn so funny its stupid i loved it!
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 21 of 21
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