Conversation Between Lily and seanb

33 Visitor Messages

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  1. its actually stopped raining today haha, we've had our Summer now ): Muse are touring again this year so thats my only excitememtn at the moment
  2. well hows things for ya these days, any mad shenanigans in manchasta lately?

    dem floods affectin you atal? im ****in ragin, its meant to be summer wtf!?
  3. The dude who plays The Doctor! Bloody hell man!
  4. Wouldn't mind hittin cardiff! sounds good,
    had me fill of birmingham now for a while
    chaype drink all over the place! played a bitta bingo too!
    slap me now, but whos matt smith?
  5. Haha my brother used to love that, I was abit old by the time it was on lol!

    Cardiff was ace, its a shame its so far away, id like to go again.

    Meeting Matt Smith was amazing <3
  6. Yea! mad accent lol remember that kids show 'brum'? the wee car goin round birmingham stoppin all the junkie robbers trying to steal stuff!?

    deadly, Wales is nice but jesus the accent does things to me head, horrible things
  7. Hahah its not too far, the accent is funny in Brum xD

    I'm in Wales with the sheep at the weekend, that accent is funny too
  8. I like how people walk in manchessta

    headin to birmingham next week, up the road from ya sure
  9. Haha yeah, Manchester (y) Didn't think it was that obvious from typing xD
  10. yo, are you from north england somewhere? your accent is the shit... cos it comes out in your typing, i think mine does sometimes too hye
  11. nah only seen them twice myself, other life commitments always scuppered my gig going plans, these days i just think **** it and worry about it later lol!

    And I meant chris, not dom, i have no idea why i always get their names confused.
  12. Ah miss Hudson had a NEWBORN .....(..aah..)
    Sure hopefully Dom can churn out some quality,
    Old Muse fans are very stuck up when they regard the new stuff, .. Oh so youve seen em lots, ive seen them twice, few years back then again last year..

    Haha bruised ribs from the barrier? ... try bruised knees from the altar
  13. they are back inthe studi this year, but the song writing has been passed over to Dom seeing as Matt has had a child with that straw haired bimbo., so we'll see what he comes up with!

    I really like Resistance considering it didnt seem to be that well recieved. I think alot of it is the older fans snobbery to be fair. Wembley wassss last September, Im sure it was 2010.... I saw them at the LCCC the week before. And the November before that went to watch them in Glasgow. Nowt like getting bruised ribs from the barrier!!!
  14. ooh good choices... yea apparently they played origin material for the last time this year? oh well ...
    Bliss... my god ... I near had a seizure listening to that song at last years oxegen... that atmosphere was godly
    and those b-sides are incredible... the resistance was v. different, but good different I suppose.
    Why, when was wembly? HA guuuutteeed mayyyete.
    you reckon theres a new album next year?
  15. Hrmmm thats a tough one, I like them all really. Origins is auto win, if just for Bliss though. The B/Sides and rareties are a good listen too. Favourite live track though is Map of the Problematique. Had I got my arse to Wembley I'm sure it would have been Bliss, and sadly from what I hear, they will no longer be doing their older stuff live, so I may never get that chance. Gutteddddddddd
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