Conversation Between GypsyElder and Dimi

63 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hahahaha. Sounds like a plan to me.
  2. All of the above,

    Then run we away like little school girls if Sheena's home >.<

    it's our master plan.
  3. I say we go to Sheena's house and pull a prank. Tipee? Mess with the toilet? Take out the hinges to the door?
  4. Now Me^^ haha.

    That's how I found out, we were talking on MSN and Sheena said you lived in the same place.
  5. I know! Haha. That's like a 1,000,000,000 chance of it actually happening online of all places. Kinda weird but cool though. Other TFFers live nearby us but not in the same city of course. Haha. The closest one I can think of is Sheena.
  6. This is so weird. You live so close XD I never would have guessed that. lmfao
  7. That is true. The Plaza becomes infested with pre-teens running around. Especially on the weekends.
    I usually like going to University Village once in a while. I live pretty far from it though but it's nice over there.
  8. Ohhhh. XD

    I dun like the Plaza. Too many stupid little kids running around lol No way I would work there. I'm going to Active there soon so I can buy more Toms heh.
  9. Haha. I was gonna sayyyy...

    Once upon a time, I was a Ramona kid. I left about two years ago though, switched schools, and wanted to graduate early.
  10. Maybe

    Noope, but I go to a lot of Poly parties. I went to bumtastic North haha.

    Where did you go?
  11. Haha. SAME. Same town, same college year. You stalkin' me?

    J/K. I get the feeling that you're a Poly kid.....
  12. Just this Year I don't think I have to do too much math since my Major is art, YEESSSS!!!
  13. Haha. One of my friends wants to take Biology, English, and Math during Winter. That's exceeding the cap of units we're allowed to take though so I don't think she'll get it but who knows.

    Ah. I think after you pass that math class, then you're probably done. But IDK. I think it depends on your major and the University you plan on transferring to. How long have you been going?
  14. Yeah don't take two hard classes during Winter o_o

    I think I'm in Intermediate Alg. and then I'm not sure if I need to take any more math.
  15. That's awesome. Good luck with the interviews!

    Ah. What math are you in? My math class got cut this term. So I have to retake the course in Spring because I am not doing both English and Math during Winter. English is like a 3 hour class Mondays thru Thursdays plus lab hours. And I could imagine how Math would be.
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