Conversation Between Arch and Firefly

28 Visitor Messages

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  1. def not one of the best ones im actually kinda dissappointed in it, thats why im playing it now

    i really got the game when it first came out
  2. Really,preety good game isn't it?The comment Fate made-I agreee with like a little bit of what he said.I only like about 5 episodes of Family Guy,the others to me weren't funny.
  3. im playing FF12 right now actually

    and i totally disagree with fates comment below me
  4. Hey,whatcha ya doin?
  5. hi
  6. I figured it out thnx
  7. If u still can't figure it out,ask Fate.He knows alot of stuff I don't know.Maybe he will know.
  8. oh ok thnx tho
  9. 2 tell u the truth,I have no clue.If dragoon is on u might ask him.
  10. hy wolfie? can i ask u a question? how do u post a poll?
  11. Sure!
  12. tHANX WOLFIE! friends??
  13. Hey,welcome to the forums.Hope u like it!
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 28 of 28
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