Conversation Between Darkdragoon and Victoria

86 Visitor Messages

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  1. Wow... a bit slow, much? Hah.
  2. lol just got that quote in your signature XD
    I took me awhile, but then i thought: Entity... Doesnt unknown have entity? Then i thought again: Well they do talk alot... Lol. Sorry if im bigging you with this
  3. oh sorry ^^'
  4. doing okay. hate the purple on dark red.
  5. hey sheena ^^ How're you doing today?
  6. yay your happy! ^^ celebration!!!
    heh heh!
  7. Yes! You did it! Yay! ^___^
  8. did i get it? hope i did
  9. This is the URL inside of your signature right now:

    This is the URL I provided you:

    Look at them both, side to side, and tell me you don't see a difference. The name and banner overall is obviously clearer in the PNG.

    Do not upload your signatures to TFF. It makes them look like crap. Please use the [img]place url of picture[/img] tag.
  10. It's still uploaded on TFF. You didn't listen to a word I said.
  11. there. Didnt get the diffrence but there ^^...
    thank's again ^^
  12. oh sorry didnt nowtice
  13. ....Why is my signature a JPG? I saved it as a PNG. Please use the link I provided you in your signature with [img]link[/img] >.>;

    I do not like seeing it all pixelated.
  14. No problem
  15. omg ^^ that's a awsome signature ^^ thank's for making it ^^
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 86
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