Conversation Between Darkdragoon and Andromeda

84 Visitor Messages

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  1. No you weren't bothering me. I have the few seconds to spare on this.
  2. Oh, sorry if i was bothering you ^^'
  3. I'm doing fine. Just working away as usual.
  4. hi andro, how're you today?
  5. You know what, your right ^^
    Jezz... What would this place be like without you?
  6. Well you can just ignore them if they're getting to you.
  7. Im glad your feeling fine ^^
    I try so hard to not be mean, but... I dont know anymore... Might quit for a few day's if this keep's up...
  8. Yeah, I used have to that happen a lot. Then people just stopped.

    I'm fine.
  9. jezz... People keep asking me what gender i am -_-' I want to be nice but... It just get's annoying =/
    So how're you doing? ^^
  10. hi, um... Just wanted you to know that i made you a apprication group ^^
  11. Ok, just wanted to now if it was ok ^^
  12. It's ok. It happens.
  13. hi andromeda ^^
    Um sorry but im getting a new signature...
    Your's was beautiful, but i wanted a resident evil theme, and i changed my name ^^
  14. Of my story XD
  15. It happens. ^^

    Part 7?
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 84
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