Conversation Between Alpha and Rowan

169 Visitor Messages

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  1. Alpha Weapon ayeee.

    I still thought you were articulate in your responses. I dont particulary hate 'past me' but looking back I can see how much I've learned and it makes me feel good.
  2. Sigh.

    I hate past me.

    And miss Sasquatch.

  3. Just spent about 30 mins reading an argument between you and sasquatch on the use of the 'N' word. Compelling stuff.
  4. Mmm yeah, but Quebec seems cool, too. New Caledonia would be the cheap (and warmer) option.
  5. I heard people speak French in France

  6. June, in theory. Although I found out only two days ago that the money doesn't have to be earmarked and I can just get cash. So I'm considering saving up for a more substantial trip to somewhere a bit further than Auckbourne. Somewhere where they speak French preferably, so I can actually get some mileage out of learning a language.
  7. When you coming over to melbourne? Is there anything in particular you wanna see when you are here?
  8. Yeah defintely digging on them at the moment. Them bones is my fav track. Its funny how musical tastes change over time, I always liked rock/metal, but for some reason I really appreciate the music aic make. Its awesome.
  9. wow, a HDMI out? That is strange, but awesome I guess if you wanted to stream a movie from your phone to your tv in 1080p (if thats the supported resolution of the phone).
    I really want the new z1 thats supposed to come out soon. Contract is up and as you can see, not interested in Iphones anymore. Was thinking about the S4, but the xperia just looks so nice. And with the new one sporting a 20megapixel camera, well thats just awesome. Although I realise that megapixels arn't the only factor in taking a good photo, apparantly its got the same technology in the lens as their compact cameras.
  10. Only bad things that I can think of: plugging in headphones has given me annoying "unsupported headphones" notification ever since latest android update. My volume up button doesn't work anymore. I'm going to get that fixed under warranty though.

    Otherwise I can't find fault with this phone, and I've only got the Arco S model.

    I suppose I could mention that I find it weird that it has an hdmi out, but like, it's just an additional feature so why not.
  11. Anything notable about the Xperia in you 'xperience' ?

    Yes. I really wanted a chance to say that. Haha.
  12. Thanks
  13. I have just started reading the first book as well. I'm only upto bran first waking up after the fall. Bronn does things that I would, I feel I relate to him in that way. If the following books are as good as the first so far, I've got a lot more to look forward too.
  14. You should go back to your Bronn avatar. I just finished watching the first season, after starting it, and then deciding to read the book first. Bronn seems like your kind of fellow, and the guy who plays him is fantastic.
  15. Haha. Duly noted.
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