Conversation Between KeybladerXIII and Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima

25 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well we weren't before, but now its all good. Anyway, I must think of a great gift for you.
  2. heh, I didn't even know about User Notes, and thanks for the present in advance. I didn't even know you weren't one of my friends. I'm probably a bit off today.
  3. Oh yeah, I Wrote on your User Note. Go check it out.
  4. Nope...Well something similar...But not Completly the same...Only the pic of the guy is the same...The Background is different.
  5. It's really cool, although it seems.... familiar. Didn't Dragoon or someone else have that avatar for a time???
  6. I see...So, You like my Avatar?
  7. Ah, hello there Noctis. I read your previous message to me and I see your predicament. Hmm.......well, I can't think of anything right now, but I assure you I will keep my eye out. Look on some gaming and new websites for any interesting stuff, I'm sure we'll stumble across something!
  8. Yo, Whats up KeybladerXIII?
  9. Hey KeybladerXIII. Yeah, I'm Back. I need help to increase my Ranks here @ TFF. I have 150 Posts so far, And it took a long time just to try to get those, but I need more. Anyway, Whenever you get this, please Contact me imediatly, I know we were enemies once, you know, in the Fighting Arena thing? Anyway, We can be Friends now, I'm here to make a Comeback, and to post awesome things that will surely get peoples attention. I need Ides, and I need them now...LOL
  10. Hey Keyblader. I made a new thread called: THREAD(!): 7th Heaven for Laughs
    You should check my vids and leave a comment on what you found, or you can post a joke or say something that is funny.
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 25 of 25
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