Conversation Between LaCkyy and Unknown Entity

39 Visitor Messages

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  1. Dont know to be honest, just started playing FFX again today, and forgot how much i really like Jecht.
  2. So I noticed lol! Why the change?
  3. Hiya , i have changed my username from T i d u s to Jecht.
  4. Hey, that sounds fantastic! Heh, portfolios are the boring part though. Computer Aided Design is fun... Creative too. ^^

    I guess... I don't have college all day tomorrow, so I could work on it then.
  5. Cool, and I'm in my second year on this course. For the first year we did machining where we made, the part's. (Were making a Air Powered Engine)

    And now for the final year where doing a Portfolio.

    That consist's of;

    How we made the parts
    Detailed Drawings
    Why We chose a design
    CAD/CAM And alot more Stuff.

    Well least you got a few days, to work on your Article!, i hope your researching now?

  6. Ah, you are doing it that way! My friend did college once a week when we were doing GCSEs too. What kind of stuff do you do on the course?

    Like... the 14th or the 15th lol...
  7. I'm still at school, but attend collage every friday to do GCSE Double Award Engineering.

    It can be good at times, but also really hard .

    And sound's like a good first article , when's your deadline?

  8. Nah, I don't mind. E-Gaming. Its a computer programming course, and is going ok so far. ^^

    What do you do?

    I have to write about how one of the charaters from FFIV, who got chucked out of something... And he turns from a Dark Knight into a paladin or something... I've not actually started it yet, so I've forgotten a few things...
  9. Cool, and yes collage comes first. If you don't mind me asking, what you do at collage?

    Also what has to be written in your first article?
  10. Yeah... I'm not to sure that I can do it though. I've not played all the Final Fantasy games, and I'm doing enough research for college as it is - and college is far more important.

    *sighs* Maybe though. I'm thinking of stuff to write for the first artical.
  11. I See you have applied for the Chocobo digest? Looking forward to reading some of your stuff.
  12. No prob! Happy to help!
  13. yhyh, i will message another Admin when one is online Thanks alot!
  14. Fuzz isn't always on from what I've seen. You could be waiting for a few hours, or maybe even a few days. You won't be able to post it until Fuzz has got back to you.
  15. Thanks, if i get it posting i will tell you, i hope you'll like it along with everyone else.
    I have messaged Fuzz and waiting reply?.
    If i don't get a reply soon will i be able to post the walkthrough under FFX forum?
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