Conversation Between Alther Primus and ViviMasterMage

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  1. If I totally weirded you out, I'm sorry, I'm just on a Kefka kick right now.
  2. Sup?

    I wanna have some fun!
    Fate is SMACK!
    dabin1stplace at the 2010 Member elim!
  3. nm, you?
  4. 'Sup, PMTH!

  5. I did it to annoy you xD

    Not Edea Ultimecia, the sorceress from the future -_- If nothing else her final form rivals Spehiroths for the most AWESOME final boss form in an FF game!

  6. Yeah, sorry! xD

    What, what, what?! She's not a good villain at all! The mistress turned bad? Seriously?

  7. ROFL!

    I've changed my favorite FF, FFVIII PWNS! (Ultimecia is as awesome as Sephiroth and Kefka! Seperately mind you)
  8. No problem! But...

    ...I'm not a fan of the Sephiroth quote! xD
  9. Thank you! I will PMTH for...

    I will... never be a memory.
  10. I love your avatar! Keep on trucking, PMTH!
  11. How aer you?
  12. Heya Nova!

    How do you like my new avvy style?
  13. I could, but it would be a lot of hassle, maybe in a while.

    Oh, OK! I don't have any of those games
    I've dabbled in RA2 and Doom myself. I've been thinking about RA3 tthough.

    Do you know any PSP Emulators?
  14. You can't have the VBA emulator, can you?! xD

    Oh, I've modded Half-Life, Sonic and I've also slightly messed around with Hitman. xD
  15. Nothing.

    Which ones? Red Alert 2? DooM 2?
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