Conversation Between Alther Primus and Darkdragoon

20 Visitor Messages

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  1. Can i join your castle ^^?
  2. Thank you sir ^^
  3. No Prob! I edited my post now. Oh, and it is now the largest I can get without making it look horrible. Enjoy!
  4. Um... Rebbellion that signature i wanted you to make... Can it be bigger, and i didnt want Ada in it XD But just make it bigger and... Remove Ada, and can you add Claire redfeild to it? Thx ^^
    Oh if you arent busy you mind making me an avatar two? Sorry if this is to much trouble ^^
  5. I had that banner before i changed my name -_-' and i dont want to bother Andro... -_-'
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 20 of 20
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