Conversation Between Alther Primus and SilkAngel

49 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well chicks and, in my case, bloody Video Games!
  2. mags...O.o
    I'm glad I got out of that situation.
    Being a boy isn't fun. All you guys do is talk about chicks. =\
    I'm sure glad I'm a girl!
  3. I think you will!!
  4. Heh, that helps!
    I just hope I can pass as a boy in Waterdragoon's house. XD
  5. You needn't worry about that! LOL!
  6. Well...that's why you have your own room now. XD
    I better not find you trying to sneak in my room at night.
  7. Eerrrrmmm... I ment like Closer, not with Ryu, you know...
  8. I'd kick you off and make you sleep on the floor.
    My zombies can keep you warm.
  9. I'd share a bed with you!
  10. It would be odd if you were sharing a bed with Ryu or something. XP
  11. You want me to make it? Alright!
  12. Hey Armmy, where is YOUR room?
    That's the only one you haven't made. o.o
  13. Believe me, they can!
  14. I hope your skeletons can clean up if we make a mess!
  15. OK! See ya there!
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