Conversation Between Fate and Led Zeppelin

633 Visitor Messages

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  1. It's a new fighting game for Final Fantasy for the PSP!
  2. What's Dissidia :3
  3. Well, I think I got out of school two weeks before you, right? It's too bad, though, because Dissidia is coming out a week after I go back to school!
  4. Me neither =[... Atleast I've got 5 weeks left though, poor you you've only got 3 *Glomples*
  5. I don't wanna go back to school yet.
  6. You're welcome Faterz ^^

    Are you =P... Well then that could keep you busy until school comes =3
  7. Aww, thanks, Sparky!=]

    I'm already replaying them at the moment.=P
  8. You're one of the things I missed most :]... You're my Faterz =D

    Hmm maybe you shoudl attempt to beat all your Star Ocean games before school start =]
  9. Well, remember one word when you're home: Faterz. That should give you a clear memory, right?

    The thing is, I have no clue what to do.=]
  10. Nowhere really, one of my cousins came down from another province on the day I didn't sign on believe it was June 26 XD... And she was down for two weeks so I couldn't go on for all that time... By the time she left I kind of forgot I was on a forum, but today I had a reminder so I decided to visit XD

    Three weeks is still a pretty long time I'm sure you'll be able to do everything you plan on ;]
  11. I know, but that's still pretty long! Where did you go?

    My summer is almost over... I have three weeks left to do everything that I want to.
  12. Aww I missed you too ^^... It hasn't been that long though =P.. Maybe a month XD... So what have you been up to *Glomps*
  13. *gasp* Sparky! *huggles* *huggles* I missed you!!
  14. Aww I missed you too Faterz =3... How have you been?? =]
  15. Sparky! Please come back? Sparky? I miss you!
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 633
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