Conversation Between Fate and Elyon Seraphim

92 Visitor Messages

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  1. Fate... please... Time starts to get bad... I need the recourses... NOW! O_o
  2. Hey Fate, You said you were better at editing things right?

    Then could you (after making the title screen and signature done) edit some sprites? You just have to do minor things like changing hair/clothing/eye colour and maybe doing some other stuff.
  3. Okay i get it...
  4. Hold on a little bit, please~! ^_~ I need to do some things first, but I'm gonna have the next eight days off, so I know I'll get a ton of things done when I'm not gaming or whatnot. =)
  5. Ohai!
  6. Almost done?
  7. *Waits Calmly and Whistles*
  8. Okay i founded another picture.

    Decrease the size but increase the leight.
  9. Hmm? I still don't see anything. =S

  10. Okay here it is.
  11. Er, the first link isn't working; it's denied. ^_^;
  12. WELL! Banners you say?

    Well i still feel empty without an signature so i geuss i'll help you here by giving you the pic i want as signature.

    I want this pic as background: But smaller at size of course, Keep the leight.

    I want this in the middle of the turmoil transparent:

    The text should be; "Who know's what's in the dark...? Whatever it is... It's after you...

    And my name at the lower left corner.
  13. Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot about the title screen thing. XD Was working on some banners. =P

    But uh, sure thing, I'll work on it right now, then. =S
  14. Sorry to disturb you but...

    Arn't the Title Screen done?

    If you haven't worked on it yet. I'd an new request.

    I'd like it to be that i said before BUT, with no line under, I want the line OVER the text along with japanesse translation of the games name. "The Legendary City of Chaosthroph".

    Also, I'd like some markings, nice symbols and an transparent cool symbol behind everything.

    The text should be huge and the size of the pic is of course
    640 x 480

    The text and symbols and stuff should be at top-middle of the picture.

    Please do help Fate.
  15. Hey Fate, How's it going?
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 92
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