Conversation Between Nightmare Cloud and Rhaps

76 Visitor Messages

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  1. It goes slowly lol meaning slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww day
    how about 'choo?
  2. Friendship ^_^ Haha indeed. So how goes it?
  3. *Friendship!*
    Much better than a Fatality lol
  4. Blarg!! To you too my friend
  5. Blarg!!
  6. I'm good thanks, just sat here having a laugh. You?
  7. It's better lol how're ya?
  8. Awwww well I hope the boredom has subsided now!
  9. I'm sitting and waiting and quite bored looooool
  10. Hello my friend! I'm alright thankyou. Yourself?
  11. hola! lol How're you?
  12. Like college but kinda different. You do it in school. It's for A-Levels. If you're really confused, Google it The British school system is kinda complicated xD
  13. what's sixth form?
  14. Well yeah but it's sixth form so I'm still at school. Maybe it's just a British thing, idk xD
  15. college I assume? lol
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 76
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