I know and I realized the post was a while back but for some reason I never paid attention to that thread really until today when I was bored haha. How have you been? It has been a while.
*shrug* I don't think that really matters at this point. Lol.
Sorry for dropping in on your convo in PRK9 but CPC8 never had sig banners. The only time we would use them is when we were promoting a toga night. Its almost always been text.
Well I guess the only reason I keep the doors open is because it is fairly easy upkeep and it is something that other forums just don't seem to have.
Yeah. The only thing you really here are from newbs. Everyone else doesn't really care. The one noob I remember saying that the thing was unique, I don't think I've ever seen him post here anymore anyways. Lol. Go figure.
I've been tempted to shut the doors to the agency from time to time. I never really hear anything beneficial pertaining to it.
Yeah, I remember you saying that.
Yeah I have noticed that a lot with most of the adoptees. The only reason I leave the bulk of them there is so that the adoption agency seems busier then it currently is.
The funny thing is, you gave Zero to me to adopt, but he hasn't been active since the 30th of last month and only made that single post. I even left him a VM, but nothing. Safe to say to just take him off my list, lol. *rants* Srsly, why sign up to a site if you aren't going to come back anyways. >_> And even 'join' the adoption thing.. ugh.
Must of missed that one haha.
Friendly 'hood courtesy died 20 years ago, dude. Didn't you get the memo? xP
I'm a nosy nancy! D: I can't help it. ;-;
Pfft. =P If it's me, you should tell me so that way I can defend myself. And if the other one was proven and manned up, tell me in a PM who it was. =O BTW I will also say, Rocky and Pete for a small time, had my picture as their avatar. >_> ...Coincidentally, after I docked Pete's points. -_-
That is because currently it is being looked into and I am not going to disclose a name because of that. I didn't say anything about that warning to Rocky. I thought that was a fair warning but it should of been made on one of his previous posts in that thread but it was still justified in the end.
Ah, all right. I forgot about that topic. Either way, I still don't really trust you, tbh. I know I don't have "evidence" (I wasn't aware TFF was a court of law.), but my gut tells me you're being shady about something. I just don't like it.