Conversation Between Meier Link and che

33 Visitor Messages

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  1. Made me want to pee my pants.
  2. hahaaha <3
  3. Dude I F888ing love the CPC8 drawing that is in your sig. Totally EPIC win.
  4. I gave Rocky that pic of you in the halloween thread. Got it off your facebook, sry
  5. Not to shabby. Just got moved over the last weekend. Kind of sad though, pushing 30 and moving back in with my mom hahaaaa. Oh well at least I am guaranteed 2 things, low rent and good food.
  6. I'M GRRRRRRRRREAT! Hope you're doing the same
  7. not alot baby how have you been?
  8. Sup sexy!
  9. Life is full of ups and downs, but you can't give up. I'm glad you see the light, and I hope that becomes real for you. I can see you as a dad, and I only see you as the best. Your kids must adore you!
  10. Kids are good and as for the wife.. who knows haha. I am trying to be the best to be the best man / dad that I can for my children. Times are dark but I see the light at the end of the tunnel and things are looking up.
  11. I'm doing well. Got another year of school, etc. I don't like to hear that you could be doing better. You da man, you need to be doing the best you can. Hope the kids and wifey are doing well.
  12. Meh could be doing worse or could be a whole lot better. How about yourself?
  13. How you been, man? Haven't really talked to you in a while.
  14. Probably one of those rumors that are true.
  15. Yeah I heard rumor that guy liked the wiener.
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 33
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