Conversation Between Meier Link and Rhaps

42 Visitor Messages

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  1. Copy the template from the Adoption agency and fill it out and send it to me.
  2. The Final Fantasy Forums - RhapsoBlarg's Album: Herp Derp - Picture

    Got bored and made this lol what do ya think? I hate how the banner got scrunched in his screen. . .
  3. Welcome to my life lol
  4. Haha, yeah. By just saying what I said I now feel more like a geek haha.
  5. Awesome lol good luck in your endeavors!
  6. I am a licensed airframe and power plant mechanic and have worked in the aviation industry since I was about 13. Also I have had a fascination with aircraft my entire life. Hahaa.

    I try to learn everything I can about the industry because I am obsessed.
  7. Were you/are you a pilot? Or airplane Jesus? You know more than one man should about airplanes lol
  8. Thanks!
  9. I love the siggy pic. Damn halarious. I needed a good laugh and even though I noticed it when you put it up, I still get a good laugh out of it.
  10. I don't mind if you participate. Just double check yourself before posting the score.
  11. I didn't see where you had voted for the day unless I missed something. If you did and I negated it then go right ahead just make sure to say something along the lines of "Meier told me to revote because he deleted mine" or something along those lines.

    The points going to Alther will not be considered an actual vote.
  12. Oh, sorry, my bad lol do you need me to re-cast my vote?
  13. Alther was not suppose to be added yet. I will add him in when the time is up or he reaches 7 pts.
  14. Meh power is an illusion. Mob mentality could easily over take the Rep power. Then again Mod status provides real power in the virtual world but that has nothing to do with the eliminations haha.
  15. Well you seem to weild a high level of power around here and it'd be odd if we didn't go primitive and challenge the alpha-male
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 42
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