Conversation Between Meier Link and Josh_R

22 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hellz yes Meier...Fist pump all night long
  2. **fist pumps!**
  3. It is not bad in Oklahoma but the summers suck balls haha. Other then that I personally love it here.

    Welcome back.
  4. I'm back, it wasn't to bad back home where I live in Ky it was down at around 25 degree's. Oklahoma is beautiful I am seriously thinking of moving there.
  5. I feel sorry for your grandparents living here in Oklahoma. It is ****ing cold here right now. See you when you get back.
  6. I usually do that but for some reason in my conversations lately I have been forgetting all about it...But thank you very much for the reminder...
  7. If you want to make things easier on other people try using the view conversation button, it will stop the clutter on your profile page and will also give the person you are talking to notification that you have actually replied to them. If not then they will have no clue that you are actually responding back to them.
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 22 of 22
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